After the first photos this will be the word that will be out of your mouth when you will see the results.
The pictures made with this handy zoom literally pops-out from the screen, even from the tiny one of the digital cameras, not to mention from an iMac!
By any means this it’s not a cheap lens.
When it came out its price was out of range for most professionals. And even used, now, its price is stable around the 500/700 euro.
But, believe me, it is worth every cent.
Luminosity aside, carrying this tiny (for the focal range) lens is like carrying around a full set of top-grade fixed focal lenghts.
Contrast, color, definition; it’s all over the top. The only lenses that I know of that are marginally better of this zoom are some fixed Zeiss focal lenses: the Contax 85mm f/2,8, the 100mm f/2 and the 100mm f/2,8 Makro. Period.
Even the Contax 300mm f/4 falls short in comparision.
Long story short: unless you shoot sport, if you manage to find one buy it, and you will not regret!