Hasselblad diy flash shoe adapter

Hasselblad diy flash shoe adapter

An Hasselblad is a terrific camera for portraits – well, for almost everything really.

But if you want to shoot with a flash, connecting the syncro cable to the lens, you will be left with no place to put the wireless remote trigger body – because you are using the flash off-camera, right? (If not: come on, you’re using an Hasselblad, don’t light your pictures like you’re using a point and shot…)

To be able to attach the remote trigger or a flash to the camera you’d need the Hasselblad flash hot shoe adapter, that I’ve seen going anywhere from 30 (rarely) to 60 or more euro.

Now yes, I’m sure it is well crafted and ingegnerized, but for crying out loud: 60 bucks for an hot shoe adapter??? No way!

Luckily you can make your own version pretty easily, in just a couple of minutes work.

You will need:

– ideally a piece of rail of the same size of the Hasselblad accessory shoe mount (8mm wide x 35mm long)

– if, like is most likely, you don’t have one of those handy you can just make your own with a piece of aluminum sheet

– a flash shoe. I found one in my junk bin, but you can buy those for 1 euro top

– cyanoacrylate glue / superglue / liquid metal glue (whichever you put your hands on first)


Hasselblad accessory shoe

Hasselblad accessory shoe with flash shoe adapter in place


All that you have to do is:

1a) if you have the rail of the correct measure: just cut it to the right length and bend slightly one of the ends, so it will not slide out of its socket

1b) if you have to make do with the aluminum sheet: bend it in a “letter C” shape – check the picture under the post title -, then bend slightly one of the ends like in 1a

2) glue the flash shoe on the rail. Let it rest a few minutes to give the glue enough time to properly set


Now go spend on film what you just saved, or put it in the saving jar for a digital back 🙂




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