Sea garden hotel

Sea garden hotel

Last time we talked about legacy lenses for the 35mm format. Now it’s time to step up the game, size-wise.

Beware, the table weights an healthy 579Kb, so the page will be quite a bit slow to load if you don’t have a fast connection.

For medium format legacy lenses the situation is even more grim than for 35mm ones, in terms of “accessible knowledge”. It is often really hard to come into meaningful information about things like the size of a lens or its optical scheme – the nice exception being Hasselblad Zeiss made lenses.

So these data will be, I hope, useful to the medium format lovers out there puzzled by the infinite amount of variations more often than not present even among what should supposedly be samples of the same lens.

And beware (once again): somewhere there will certainly be some mistake, mine or of one of my sources. If you spot one just let me know, and I’ll update the table as soon as I have spare time.

For a few brands I’ve added as well links to a few websites where you will find much more informations than here.

If you prefer to look at the table in a new (and much larger due to lack of theme constraints!) page just click here.

Otherwise, to download a zipped copy of the table in HTML format (19Kb only, last updated 13/02/2015) right click here instead and choose “Save as…”.

Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)

Contax 645 (Contax 645 bayonet; flange focal distance 64mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zeiss Distagon T 35 3.5 32 90 8 – 11 0.50 95 108 x 102 877
Zeiss Distagon T 45 2.8 32 76 7 – 9 0.50 72 99 x 80 821
Zeiss Distagon T 55 3.5 32 65 7 – 7 0.31 72 75 x 81 500
Zeiss Planar T 80 2 22 47 5 – 6 0.70 72 67 x 81 524
Zeiss Apo-Makro Planar T 120 4 45 37 5 – 8 Macro 1:1; floating elements
Zeiss Sonnar T 140 2.8 32 28 5 – 7 1.30 72 98 x 81 688
Zeiss Sonnar T 210 4 45 19 4 – 7 1.4 72 177 x 81
Zeiss Tele-Apotessar T 350 4 45 11 8 – 9 1.56 95 273 x 114 3,610 Comes with the Mutar 1,4x T converter
Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T 45-90 4.5 45 83 – 48 10 – 12 0.50 95 115 x 102 1,140

Exakta 66 (look as well under “Pentacon Six” and “Kiev 60”) (Pentacon Six / Exakta 66 / Kiev 60 bayonet; flange focal distance 74.1mm)
For a more detailed view visit:
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Schneider M-Componon 28 4 25 x 39 65 Macro lens without an helicoid, to use on a bellows
Schneider M-Componon 50 4 28 x 39 75 Macro lens without an helicoid, to use on a bellows
Schneider Curtagon MF 40 4 32 89 8 – 9 0.50 104 109 x 104 700
Schneider Angulon PC 55 4.5 32 71 8 – 10 0.50 104 157 x 104 1,650 Shift
Schneider Curtagon MF 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 67 84 x 81 570
Schneider Xenotar MF 80 2.8 22 52 6 – 7 0.60 67 72 x 84 500
Biometar 80 2.8 52 1 67 68 x 82 440
Schneider Xenotar E 80 2.8 52 1 67 68 x 82 440
Exakta 80 2.8 52 0.95 67 74 x 83 450
Schneider Symmar SF 135 5.6 32 49 50.5 x 59 250 Macro lens without an helicoid, to use on a bellows
Schneider Tele-Xenar MF 150 4 32 29 5 – 5 1.50 67 101 x 84 760
Schneider Symmar S 180 5.6 24 62 64 x 61 350 Macro lens without an helicoid, to use on a bellows
Schneider Tele-Xenar MF 250 5.6 32 18 4 – 5 3 67 168 x 84 900
Schneider Varigon MF 75-150 4.5 32 56 – 30 13 – 15 1.80 95 171 x 98 1,770
Schneider Varigon MF 140-280 5.6 45 31 – 16 14 – 17 2.50 86 240 x 95 2,070

Fuji G690 (Fuji G690 bayonet; flange focal distance ???mm)
For a more detailed view visit:
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Fujinon SW S 50 5.6 32 90 6 – 8 1 72 593
Fujinon SW S 65 8 32 75 4 – 6 1 72 Angulon design
Fujinon SW S 65 5.6 32 75 4 – 8 1 72 609
Fujinon S 100 3.5 32 53 3 – 4 1 72 763 Tessar design
Fujinon EBC AE 100 3.5 32 53 3 – 4 1 72 690 Same optical formula as the other 100mm, but with an electronic leaf shutter built-in
Fujinon-T S 150 5.6 45 37 4 – 5 2 72 Tele-Tessar design
Fujinon-T S 180 5.6 45 31 5 – 5 2.50 72 959

Fuji GX (Fuji GX 680 bayonet; flange focal distance ???mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
EBC Fujinon GX 65 78 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 80 5.6 45 66 8 – 8 0.40 95 1,022 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 100 4 45 55 8 – 8 0.48 82 890 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 125 5.6 45 45 5 – 6 0.58 82 531 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 135 5.6 45 42 6 – 6 0.65 82 541 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX EX 135 5.6 45 42 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX EX 135 5.6 45 42 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 150 4.5 45 38 4 – 6 0.73 82 691 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 180 5.6 64 32 6 – 6 1.20 82 775 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 180 32 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 210 5.6 64 28 5 – 5 1.44 82 824 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 250 5.6 64 24 4 – 5 2.50 82 901 Leaf shutter
EBC Fujinon GX 300 6.3 64 20 5 – 5 3.62 82 1,080 Leaf shutter

Graflex Combat (Combat Graflex bayonet; flange focal distance ???mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Kodak Ektar 63 4.5 22 120
Kodak Ektar 102 2.8 22 120
Kodak Ektar 205 4 22 240

Graflex Norita 66 (Graflex Norita bayonet; flange focal distance ???mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Graflex-Norita 80 2 0.80

Hasselblad (Hasselblad 2000 and 500 bayonet; flange focal distance 74.90mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
V series (with leaf shutter)
Zeiss Distagon C 30 3.5 22 180 7 – 8 0.30 24 115.5 x 108 1,370 Fish-eye
Zeiss Distagon CF 30 3.5 22 180 ? – 9 0.30 26 1,365 Fish-eye; found in an old magazine, could be a misprint
Zeiss F Distagon CF 30 3.5 22 180 7 – 8 0.30 24 117.5 x 110 1,365 Fish-eye
Zeiss F Distagon CFi 30 3.5 22 180 7 – 8 0.30 24 112 x 110 1,360 Fish-eye
Zeiss Distagon C 40 4 32 89 9 – 10 0.50 104 bayonet 124.5 x 104 1,375
Zeiss Distagon CF 40 4 22 89 10 – 11 0.50 93 101.5 x 90 915
Zeiss Distagon CFE 40 4 22 89 10 – 11 0.50 93 94 x 83 890
Zeiss Distagon IF CFE 40 4 22 89 9 – 12 0.50 93 117.9 x 90 1,130
Zeiss Distagon C 50 4 22 75 7 – 7 0.50 63 (with adapter) 100 x 78 885
Zeiss Distagon CF 50 4 22 75 ? – 7 0.50 60 bayonet 795
Zeiss Distagon CF/FLE 50 4 32 75 8 – 9 0.50 93 95.1 x 82.5 800 Floating elements
Zeiss Distagon CFi 50 4 32 75 8 – 9 0.50 70 bayonet 89 x 83 800
Zeiss Distagon ZV Classic 50 4 32 75 8 – 9 0.50 60 bayonet and 67 92.3 x 80 790
Zeiss Distagon C 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 63 (with adapter) 85 x 78 645
Zeiss Distagon CF 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 60 bayonet 82.8 x 82.5 680
Zeiss Distagon CFi 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 60 bayonet 83 x 83 680
Zeiss Distagon CB 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 60 bayonet 83 x 83 680
Zeiss Distagon C 60 4 66
Zeiss Distagon C 60 5.6 66
Zeiss Planar C 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.90 50 bayonet 51.7 x 78 465
Zeiss Planar CF 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.90 60 bayonet 65 x 82.5 510
Zeiss Planar CFE 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.90 60 bayonet 59 x 83 510
Zeiss Planar CB 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 6 0.90 60 bayonet 64.7 x 83.2 550
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zeiss Planar C 100 3.5 22 43 4 – 5 0.90 50 bayonet 62 x 78 610
Zeiss Planar CF 100 3.5 22 43 4 – 5 0.90 60 bayonet 75 x 81.5 605
Zeiss Planar CFi 100 3.5 22 43 4 – 5 0.90 60 bayonet 71 x 74.9 600
Zeiss UV Sonnar C 105 4.3 32 40 7 – 7 1.80 50 bayonet 87 x 78 670 Special lens made to photograph in the UV spectrum
Zeiss UV Sonnar CF 105 4.3 32 40 7 – 7 1.80 60 bayonet 90.6 x 74.9 820 Special lens made to photograph in the UV spectrum
Zeiss Macro Planar C 120 4 45 37 4 – 6 0.95 50 bayonet 86.5 x 79 640 Optimized for close-up photography
Zeiss Macro Planar CF 120 4 32 37 4 – 6 0.80 60 bayonet 99 x 81.5 695 Optimized for close-up photography
Zeiss Macro Planar CFi 120 4 32 37 4 – 6 0.80 60 bayonet 93.5 x 83.2 695 Optimized for close-up photography
Zeiss Macro Planar CFE 120 4 32 37 4 – 6 0.80 60 bayonet 93.5 x 83.2 695 Optimized for close-up photography
Zeiss Macro Planar ZV Classic 120 4 32 37 4 – 6 0.80 60 bayonet and 67 107.6 x 80 890 Optimized for close-up photography; macro 1:4.5
Zeiss Macro Planar C 135 5.6 45 31 5 – 7 0.54 50 bayonet 85 x 78 560 Macro lens without an helicoid, to use on a bellows
Zeiss Macro Planar CF 135 5.6 45 31 5 – 7 0.54 60 bayonet 86.8 x 80.5 620 Macro lens without an helicoid, to use on a bellows
Zeiss Sonnar C 150 4 32 29 3 – 5 1.40 50 bayonet 96 x 79 710
Zeiss Sonnar CF 150 4 32 29 3 – 5 1.40 60 bayonet 100.1 x 74.9 785
Zeiss Sonnar CFi 150 4 32 29 3 – 5 1.40 60 bayonet 95 x 83 850
Zeiss Tessar CB 160 4.8 22 28 3 – 4 1.50 60 bayonet 113.2 x 83.2 650
Zeiss Sonnar CF 180 4 32 24 4 – 5 1.55 60 bayonet 128 x 81.5 1,075
Zeiss Sonnar CFi 180 4 32 24 4 – 5 1.55 60 bayonet 124 x 83 1,080
Zeiss Sonnar CFE 180 4 32 24 4 – 5 1.55 60 bayonet 124 x 83 1,080
Zeiss Sonnar ZV Classic 180 4 32 24 4 – 5 1.55 60 bayonet and 67 128.4 x 80 1,130
Zeiss Sonnar C 250 5.6 45 18 3 – 4 2.50 50 bayonet 156 x 79 930
Zeiss Sonnar CF 250 5.6 45 18 3 – 4 2.50 60 bayonet 163.6 x 81.5 1,000
Zeiss Sonnar CFi 250 5.6 45 18 3 – 4 2.50 60 bayonet 155 x 74.9 1,000
Zeiss Sonnar Superachromat C 250 5.6 45 18 6 – 6 2.80 50 bayonet 800
Zeiss Sonnar Superachromat CF 250 5.6 45 18 6 – 6 3 60 bayonet 157.5 x 81.5 985
Zeiss Sonnar Superachromat CFE 250 5.6 45 18 6 – 6 3 60 bayonet 153 x 83 1,010
Zeiss Sonnar Achromat CF 250 5.6 45 18 ? – 6 3 60 bayonet 985
Zeiss Tele Tessar C 350 5.6 45 13 4 – 4 5 86 225 x 90 1,350
Zeiss Tele Tessar CF 350 5.6 45 13 4 – 4 4.50 93 226.5 x 90 1,350
Zeiss Tele Superachromat CFE 350 5.6 45 13 8 – 9 3.75 86 234 x 90 1,800
Zeiss Tele Tessar C 500 8 64 9 3 – 5 8.50 86 316 x 90 2,100
Zeiss Apo Tessar CF 500 8 64 9 3 – 5 5 93 329 x 90 1,810
Schneider Variogon CF 140-280 5.6 45 32 – 16 14 – 17 2.50 93 234 1,740
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
2000 series (without leaf shutter)
Zeiss Distagon F/FLE 50 2.8 22 75 8 – 9 0.32 86 1,240 Floating elements
Zeiss Distagon FE/FLE 50 2.8 22 75 8 – 9 0.32 86 112 x 90 1,240 Floating elements
Zeiss Distagon F 50 2.8 22 75 8 – 9 0.32 93 1,240
Zeiss Planar F 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.60 50 bayonet 62 x 62 410
Zeiss Planar FE 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.60 50 bayonet 64 x 80.5 410
Zeiss Planar F 110 2 16 40 6 – 7 0.80 77 bayonet 87 x 82.5 750
Zeiss Planar FE 110 2 16 40 5 – 7 0.80 77 bayonet 88 x 83 750
Zeiss Sonnar F 150 2.8 22 29 4 – 5 1.40 77 bayonet 87.5 x 82.5 680
Zeiss Sonnar FE 150 2.8 22 29 4 – 5 1.40 77 bayonet 88 x 83 680
Zeiss Tele Tessar F 250 4 32 18 5 – 5 2.50 77 bayonet 156 x 81.2 920
Zeiss Tele Tessar FE 250 4 32 18 5 – 5 2.50 77 bayonet 156 x 83 920
Zeiss Tele Superachromat TPP FE IF 300 2.8 22 15 8 – 9 2.50 Drop-in 277 x 138 3,800 Supplied with Mutar 1.7x E
Zeiss Tele Tessar F 350 4 32 13 6 – 8 1.90 93 2,000
Zeiss Tele Tessar FE 350 4 32 13 6 – 8 1.90 96 262 x 100 2,000

Kiev 60 (look as well under “Exakta 66” and “Pentacon Six”) (Pentacon Six / Exakta 66 bayonet / Kiev 60; flange focal distance 74.1mm)
For a more detailed view visit:
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zodiak-8B 30 3.5 22 180 6 – 10 0.30 38 (rear) 110 × 97 1000 Fish-eye
Mir-26B 45 3.5 22 83 7 – 8 0.50 82 86 × 96.5 650
Mir-69B 45 3.5 83 0.50 67 76 × 61 450
MC PCS Arsat 45 45 3.5 22 83 – 98 7 – 8 0.50 82 Shift
Hartbei 45 Shift 45 3.5 22 7 – 8 0.35 82 750 Shift; maximum shift 10mm (on 6×6), 12mm (on 4.5×6)
Hartbei 45 Tilt & Shift 45 3.5 22 7 – 8 0.35 82 100 x 96 850 Tilt and shift; maximum tilt 6°; maximum shift 10mm (on 6×6), 12mm (on 4.5×6)
Hartbei Super-Rotator 45 Tilt & Shift 45 3.5 22 7 – 8 0.35 82 100 x 96 880 Tilt and shift; maximum tilt 8°; maximum shift 10mm (on 6×6), 12mm (on 4.5×6)
MC PCS Arsat 55 55 4.5 22 69 – 84 7 – 9 0.50 72 Shift
Hartbei 65 Shift 65 3.5 22 5 – 6 0.50 72 610 Shift; maximum shift 9mm (on 6×6), 10mm (on 4.5×6)
Hartbei 65 Tilt & Shift 65 3.5 22 5 – 6 0.50 72 Tilt and shift; maximum tilt 6°; maximum shift 9mm (on 6×6), 10mm (on 4.5×6)
MC PCS Arsat 65 65 3.5 22 66 – 78 5 – 6 0.50 72 Shift
Mir-3B (1st version) 65 3.5 66 0.80 88 91 × 115 620
Mir-3B (2nd version) 65 3.5 66 0.40
Mir-38B 65 3.5 22 66 5 – 6 0.50 72 78 × 88 550
MC Arsat Standard 80 2.8 22 53 5 – 6 0.60 62
Volna-3 80 2.8 53 0.60 62 76 × 57 340
Vega-12 90 2.8 22 47 4 – 5 0.60 58 70 × 66.5 365
Vega-28B 120 2.8 22 41 5 – 6 1.20 62 76 × 58 450
Kaleinar-3B 150 2.8 16 28 4 – 4 1.80 82 88 × 99 1100
Jupiter-36B 250 3.5 22 19 3 – 4 3.50 82 85 × 180 1500
Telear-5B 250 5.6 32 19 5 – 5 2.50 62 80 × 135 750
Tair-33 300 4.5 22 15 3 – 4 3 88 99 × 242 1879
Arsat APO MC 500 5.6 45 7 6 – 8 5 95 105 × 290 1650
Rubinar 500 500 5.6 7 2.20 105 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
Arax 500 500 5.6 7 2.20 105 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
3M-3B 600 8 7 6 98 front or 52 rear 115 x 195 2,200 Catadioptric (mirror lens)

Kiev 88 (Kiev 88 bayonet; flange focal distance [??? but longer than Kiev 60])
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zodiak-8B 30 3.5 180 Fish-eye
Mir-26B 45 3.5 22 83 7 – 8 0.50 82
Mir-38B 65 3.5 22 66 5 – 6 0.50 ? 72 550
Vega-28B 120 2.8 22 41 5 – 6 1.20 62
Kaleinar-3B 150 2.8 16 28 4 – 4 1.80 82
Jupiter-36B 250 3.5 22 19 3 – 4 3.50 82
Telear-5B 250 5.6 32 19 5 – 5 2.50 62

Koni-Omega (Koni-Omega bayonet; flange focal distance ???)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Hexanon 58 5.6 61 4 – 8 Series VII Leaf shutter
Hexanon 60 5.6 4 – 6 Leaf shutter
Hexanon 90 3.5 32 42 3 – 4 1 Series VI Leaf shutter
Hexanon 135 3.5 5 – 6 Leaf shutter
Hexanon 180 4.5 32 21 4 – 5 Series VIII Leaf shutter

Mamiya M 645 (Mamiya 645 bayonet; flange focal distance 63.3mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Sekor C 24 4 22 180 8 – 10 0.30 Built-in 82 x 100 785 Fish-eye; Ultra Low Dispersion glass
Sekor C 35 3.5 22 90 7 – 8 0.45 77 445
Sekor C N 35 3.5 22 90 7 – 9 0.45 77 61.5 x 80 445
Sekor C 45 2.8 22 76 7 – 9 0.50 67 475
Sekor C N 45 2.8 22 76 7 – 9 0.45 67 70.5 x 75 475
Sekor C Shift 50 4 32 70 8 – 10 0.45 77 105 x 80 735 Shift; maximum shift 16mm (vert.), 13mm (horiz.); manual aperture
Sekor C N 55 2.8 22 65 6 – 8 0.45 58 59.4 x 70 305
Sekor A N/L 55 2.8 22 65 6 – 8 0.45 67 61.5 x 79.6 520 Leaf shutter
Sekor C 70 2.8 22 60 4 – 6 0.80 58 285
Sekor C 70 2.8 22 60 4 – 6 0.80 58 395 Leaf shutter
Sekor C 80 1.9 22 47 6 – 7 0.70 67 420
Sekor C N 80 1.9 22 47 6 – 7 0.70 67 59 x 75.5 420
Sekor C N 80 2.8 22 47 5 – 6 0.70 58 43.5 x 70 235
Sekor A N/L 80 2.8 22 47 5 – 6 0.80 67 61.5 x 79.6 460 Leaf shutter
Sekor C Macro 80 4 22 47 4 – 6 0.36 67 75 x 79 585 Macro 1:1?
Sekor C 110 2.8 22 40 5 – 5 1.20 58 390
Sekor A Macro 120 4 32 33 8 – 9 0.40 67 111 x 77.4 745 Macro 1:1?
Sekor C 145 4 32 31 5 – 7 1.50 77 900 Soft with varifocus filter
Sekor A 150 2.8 22 26 4 – 6 1.50 67 107 x 74.5 740
Sekor C N 150 3.5 32 26 5 – 5 1.50 58 80 x 70 420
Sekor A N/L 150 3.8 32 26 5 – 5 1.50 58 82 x 78.9 620 Leaf shutter
Sekor C 150 4 32 26
Sekor A 200 2.8 22 20 5 – 7 2.50 77 143.5 x 91 1,100 Apochromatic
Sekor C 210 4 32 19 4 – 5 2.44 58 715
Sekor C N 210 4 32 19 4 – 5 2.50 58 137 x 70 725
Sekor A 300 2.8 22 13 8 – 9 3.50 Drop-in 237 x 139.5 2,910 Apochromatic
Sekor C 300 5.6 32 13 5 – 6 4 58 700
Sekor C N 300 5.6 32 13 5 – 6 4 58 164 x 70 710 Ultra Low Dispersion glass
Sekor A 500 4.5 32 8 9 – 11 5 Drop-in 377.5 x 162 5,410 Apochromatic
Sekor C 500 5.6 45 8 5 – 6 9 105 358 x 114 2,280
Sekor C 500 8 8 5 – 7 4 Built-in 880 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
Sekor C N 55-110 4.5 32 65 – 35 10 – 11 1.50 67 104 x 77 800
Sekor C 75-150 4.5 32 56 – 26 10 – 11 1.80 77 975
Sekor C 105-210 4.5 36 – 19 77
Sekor C 105-210 4.5 32 36 – 19 11 – 13 1.80 58 158 x 74.5 875 Possibly an old version, with ULD glass but without the writing on the front ring
Sekor C ULD 105-210 4.5 32 36 – 19 11 – 13 1.80 58 158 x 74.5 875 Ultra Low Dispersion glass
Mamiya RZ (Mamiya RZ bayonet; flange focal distance 105mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Sekor Z 37 4.5 32 180 6 – 9 0.26 40.5 1,270 Fish-eye
Sekor Z 50 4.5 32 83 9 – 11 0.28 77 875
Sekor Z 65 4 32 69 7 – 7 0.32 77 715
Sekor Z Shift 75 4.5 32 61 9 – 11 0.42 105 1,660
Sekor Z 90 3.5 32 52 6 – 6 0.43 77 690
Sekor Z 110 2.8 32 43 5 – 6 0.53 77 610
Sekor Z 127 3.8 32 38 3 – 5 0.66 77 620
Sekor Z Macro 140 4.5 32 35 4 – 7 0.75 77 840 Macro 1:1?
Sekor Z 180 4.5 45 28 3 – 5 1.11 77 750
Sekor Z 250 4.5 45 20 4 – 5 0.85 77 1,100
Sekor Z 360 6 45 14 5 – 6 3.69 77 1,300
Sekor Z 500 8 32 10 6 – 6 6.60 105 1,950
Sekor Z 100-200 5.2 45 48 – 25 12 – 14 3 77 1,660
Mamiya RB (Mamiya RB bayonet; flange focal distance 112mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Sekor 37 4.5 32 180 6 – 9 0.06 40.5 1,350 Fish-eye
Sekor 50 4.5 32 81 8 – 11 0.07 77 920
Sekor 65 4.5 32 68 8 – 8 0.08 77 840
Sekor K/L 65 4 32 68 8 – 9 0.08 77 1,070
Sekor K/L 75 3.5 32 61 7 – 9 0.12 77 980
Sekor Shift 75 4.5 32 61 9 – 11 0.11 105 1,700 Shift
Sekor D 90 3.8 32 52 5 – 7 0.22 77 805
Sekor K/L 90 3.5 32 52 7 – 8 0.20 77 960
Sekor 127 3.8 42 39 3 – 5 0.43 77 665
Sekor K/L 127 3.5 32 39 4 – 6 0.41 77 780
Sekor Macro 140 4.5 32 35 7 – 8 0.52 77 830
Sekor K/L Macro 140 4.5 32 35 4 – 6 0.52 77 930
Sekor 150 4 32 33 5 – 5 0.61 77 840 Others report 3 groups and 8 elements, maybe a different version?
Sekor K/L 150 3.5 32 33 4 – 6 0.82 77 825
Sekor 180 4.5 45 28 3 – 5 0.84 77 875
Sekor K/L 180 4.5 45 28 3 – 5 1.09 77 730
Sekor K/L Apo 210 4.5 45 24 5 – 7 1.16 77 1,026 Apochromatic
Sekor 250 4.5 45 20 4 – 5 1.57 77 1,310
Sekor K/L 250 4.5 45 20 4 – 5 1.57 77 1,130
Sekor K/L Apo 250 4.5 45 20 5 – 7 1.56 77 1,370 Apochromatic
Sekor K/L 350 5.6 45 14 6 – 7 3.08 77 1,440
Sekor Macro 350 6.3 45 14 5 – 8 3.46 77 1,230
Sekor 500 8 32 10 6 – 6 5.15 105 1,980
Sekor 500 8 32 10 6 – 7 6.58 105 2,140 Found in al old magazine, possibly a misprint
Sekor K/L Apo 500 6 45 10 7 – 7 6.49 105 2,360 Apochromatic
Sekor 100-200 5.2 45 48 – 25 12 – 14 0.22 77 1,660
Mamiya C 330 / 220 F (Mamiya TLR bayonet; flange focal distance ???mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Sekor 55 4.5 22 72 7 – 9 0.24 46 330
Sekor 65 3.5 22 64 5 – 6 0.27 49 340
Sekor 80 2.8 32 53 3 – 5 0.35 46 310
Sekor D 105 3.5 32 42 3 – 4 0.58 46 340
Sekor 135 4.5 45 33 3 – 4 0.90 46 370
Sekor Super 180 4.5 45 25 4 – 5 1.27 49 620
Sekor 250 6.3 64 18 4 – 6 2.50 49 630
Mamiya Press (Mamiya Press bayonet; flange focal distance ???mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Sekor 50 6.3 32 83 5 – 8 1 72 610
Sekor 75 5.6 45 61 4 – 7 1 72 650
Sekor 100 3.5 32 48 3 – 4 1 55 480
Sekor 100 2.8 32 48 4 – 6 1 72 700
Sekor 127 4.7 64 38 3 – 4 1.50 55 470
Sekor 150 5.6 45 33 3 – 4 2 55 530
Sekor 250 5 64 20 4 – 6 2.50 105 1,825
Pentacon Six (look as well under “Exakta 66” and “Kiev 60”) (Pentacon Six / Exakta 66 bayonet / Kiev 60; flange focal distance 74.1mm)
For a more detailed view visit:
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Carl Zeiss Jena
Zeiss Jena Flektogon (1st version) 50 4 22 78 5 – 7 0.50 86 87 620
Zeiss Jena Flektogon (2nd version) 50 4 22 78 5 – 7 0.50 86 87 480
Zeiss Jena Flektogon 65 2.8 22 64 0.75 86 89 480
Zeiss Jena Tessar 80 2.8 54 1 58 50 240
Zeiss Jena Biometar 80 2.8 54 1 58 51 260
Zeiss Jena Biometar 120 2.8 22 41 4 – 5 1.30 67 87 550
Zeiss Jena Sonnar 180 2.8 32 24 3 – 5 1.70 86 122 1,100 Some other source lists the weight as 1,320 (possibly different versions)
Zeiss Jena Sonnar (1st version, ? – 1981?) 300 4 45 15 3 – 5 4 86 224 2,080
Zeiss Jena Sonnar (2nd version, 1981 – ?) 300 4 15 204 1,550
Zeiss Jena Spiegelobjektiv 1000 5.6 5 16 Built-in 512 14,000 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
Kilfitt / Zoomar
Macro-Kilar 90 2.8 48 ? – 4 0.20 480 Aspherical
Kilar 150 3.5 30 ? – 3 1.50 400
Tele-Kilar 300 5.6 15 ? – 4 2.80 990
Pan-Tele-Kilar 300 4 15 ? – 4 1.55 1,930
Fern-Kilar 400 5.6 11 ? – 2 9.80 1,760
Sport-Fern-Kilar 400 4 11 ? – 2 5 2,700
Zoomar Reflectar 500 5.6 9 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
Sport-Fern-Kilar 600 5.6 8 ? – 2 20 4,080
Zoomar Reflectar 1000 8 5 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
Rapid-Focus-Macro-Zoomar 85-170 2.8 51 – 27
Zoomar 170-320 4 27 – 14
Meyer-Optik, Görlitz / Pentacon
Primotar E 80 3.5 54 3 – 4 0.80 49 260
Pentacon 80 2.8 22 54 4 – 5 1 58 285
Primotar 135 3.5 33 3 – 4 55
Primotar 180 3.5 24 3 – 4 2.20 67 153 800
Telemegor 250 5.5 18 2 – 4 3.50 135 460
Orestagor 300 4 15 4 – 5 3.60 95 189 2,180
Pentacon 300 4 15 4 – 5 3.60 95 189 2,180
Pentacon 300 4 22 15 3 – 5 3.60 95 2,050 Found in al old magazine, possibly a misprint
Telemegor 300 4.5 15 2 – 4 3.30 82 198 1,680
Telemegor 400 5.5 11 2 – 4 5.50 82 256 1,580
Orestagor 500 5.6 22 10 4 – 4 6 118 370 3,500
Pentacon 500 5.6 22 10 4 – 4 6 118 370 3,500
Novoflexar 240 5.6 19 2.80 1,630
Tele-Novoflexar 500 5.6 9 12.15 2,630
Pentax 645 (Pentax 645 bayonet; flange focal distance 70.87mm)
For a more detailed view visit:
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
SMC Pentax A 35 3.5 22 90 8 – 9 0.30 77 67 x 80 470 Floating elements
SMC Pentax A 45 2.8 22 76 8 – 9 0.45 67 66.5 x 74 400
SMC Pentax A 55 2.8 22 65 7 – 8 0.45 58 60.5 x 74 410
SMC Pentax A 75 2.8 22 56 5 – 6 0.60 58 37.5 x 74 240
SMC Pentax A LS 75 2.8 22 56 5 – 6 0.75 58 49.5 x 76 365 Leaf shutter
SMC Pentax A Macro 120 4 32 37 7 – 9 0.39 67 110 x 78.5 700 Macro 1:1; floating elements
SMC Pentax A LS 135 4 32 33 5 – 5 0.25 58 69 x 76 467 Leaf shutter
SMC Pentax A 150 3.5 32 30 4 – 4 1.40 58 71.5 x 74 440
SMC Pentax A 200 4 32 23 4 – 4 2 58 116 x 74 570
SMC Pentax A ED IF 300 4 32 15 8 – 8 3 77 208 x 93 1,360
SMC Pentax A ED IF 600 5.6 45 8 11 – 12 5 49 353 x 156 5,000
SMC Pentax A 45-85 4.5 32 75 – 45 9 – 11 0.50 77 99 x 79 805
SMC Pentax A 80-160 4.5 32 53 – 28 11 – 11 1 77 131 x 82.5 1,020

Pentax 6×7 (Pentax 67 bayonet; flange focal distance 84.95mm)
For a more detailed view visit:
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
SMC Takumar 35 4.5 22 180 7 – 11 0.45 Built-in 73 x 102 920 Fish-eye
SMC Pentax 45 4 22 90 8 – 9 0.37 82 57.5 x 91.5 485
SMC Takumar 55 3.5 22 78 7 – 8 0.45 100 82 x 103 920
SMC Pentax (1st version, 1979 – 1986?) 55 4 22 78 8 – 9 0.40 77 75.5 x 91.5 615
SMC Pentax (2nd version, 1986 – ?) 55 4 22 78 7 – 8 0.40 77 78.5 x 92.5 725
SMC Pentax AL 75 2.8 22 61 ? – 7 0.41 67 560 Aspherical
SMC Takumar 75 4.5 22 61 4 – 5 0.70 82 81 x 91.5 600
SMC Pentax 75 4.5 22 61 4 – 5 0.70 82 81 x 91.5 600
SMC Pentax Shift 75 4.5 32 61 8 – 9 0.70 82 106.5 x 97 950 Shift
SMC Pentax 90 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.65 67 45 x 91.5 485
SMC Pentax LS 90 2.8 22 52 5 – 6 0.85 67 63 x 91.5 610 Leaf shutter
SMC Pentax Macro 100 4 32 48 4 – 6 0.44 77 600 Macro 1:2
Super-Takumar 105 2.4 22 46 5 – 6 1 67 60 x 91.5 628
SMC Takumar 105 2.4 22 46 5 – 6 1 67 60 x 91.5 628
SMC Pentax 105 2.4 22 46 5 – 6 1 67 60 x 91.5 590
SMC Pentax Soft 120 3.5 22 41 3 – 4 0.75 67 63.5 x 89 520 Soft with varifocus filter
SMC Takumar Macro 135 4 32 37 3 – 5 0.75 67 95 x 91.5 645 Macro 0,3x
SMC Pentax Macro 135 4 32 37 3 – 5 0.75 67 95 x 91.5 620 Macro 0,3x
Super-Takumar 150 2.8 22 33 5 – 5 1.50 67 92 x 91.5 768
SMC Takumar 150 2.8 22 33 5 – 5 1.50 67 92 x 91.5 768
SMC Pentax 165 2.8 22 30 5 – 6 0.60 67 98.5 x 91.5 835
SMC Pentax LS 165 4 32 30 4 – 5 1.60 67 77 x 92.5 860 Leaf shutter
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Super-Takumar 200 4 22 25 4 – 4 2.50 67 120 x 91.5 900
SMC Takumar 200 4 22 25 4 – 4 2.50 67 120 x 91.5 900
SMC Pentax 200 4 22 25 4 – 5 1.50 77 135 x 92.5 795
Super-Takumar 300 4 45 17 5 – 5 5 82 186 x 93 1,425
SMC Takumar 300 4 45 17 5 – 5 5 82 186 x 93 1,425
SMC Pentax 300 4 45 17 5 – 5 5 82 186 x 93 1,425
SMC Pentax-M* ED IF 300 4 32 17 9 – 9 2 82 209.5 x 92.5 1,650
Takumar 400 4 45 13 5 – 5 8 77 287 x 115 2,570
Super-Takumar 400 4 45 13 5 – 5 8 77 287 x 115 2,570
SMC Takumar 400 4 45 13 5 – 5 8 77 287 x 115 2,570
SMC Pentax-M* ED 400 4 45 13 9 – 9 2.80 67 305 x 132.5 3,700
SMC Takumar 500 5.6 45 10 4 – 4 8 95 398 x 106.5 3,200 Some other source lists the weight as 1,430 (possibly an error, it looks too light to me)
SMC Pentax 500 5.6 45 10 4 – 4 8 95 398 x 106.5 3,200 Some other source lists the weight as 1,430 (possibly an error, it looks too light to me)
Takumar 600 4 45 8 5 – 6 12 77 370 x 170 6,000
SMC Takumar 600 4 45 8 5 – 6 12 77 370 x 170 6,000
Takumar 800 4 45 6 6 – 6 20 77 611 x 236 17,700
SMC Takumar 800 4 45 6 6 – 6 20 77 611 x 236 17,700 Some other source listss a SMC Pentax as well, optically identical
SMC Pentax-M* ED IF 800 6.7 45 6 8 – 9 8 67 565 x 150 6,500 Some other souce lists the lens as 11 elements in 9 groups
SMC Reflex Takumar 1000 8 5 4 – 6 35 Built-in 352 x 180 6,600 Catadioptric (mirror lens)
SMC Pentax 55-100 4.5 32 78 – 48 9 – 11 0.60 95 120 1,210
SMC Pentax 90-180 5.6 45 52 – 28 ? – 10 1.20 95 1,160
Rollei 6000 (Rollei 6008-6006-6002 bayonet; flange focal distance ???)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Distagon HFT PQ 40 4 32 89 10 – 11 0.50 102 1,040
Distagon HFT PQ 50 4 32 75 7 – 7 0.50 VI 840
PCS Super Angulon PQ 55 4.5 32 72 8 – 10 0.50 95 1,650 Shift
Curtagon HFT PQ 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 VI 770
Distagon HFT PQ 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.60 VI 725
Xenotar HFT PQ 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.90 VI 620
Xenotar HFT PQ 80 2 16 52 5 – 7 0.80 VI 1,650
Planar HFT PQ 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.90 VI 550
Macro Planar HFT PQ 120 4 32 37 4 – 6 0.80 VI 960
Sonnar HFT PQ 150 4 32 29 3 – 5 1.40 VI 890
Tele-Xenar PQ 150 4 32 29 5 – 5 1.40 VI 890
Tele-Xenar PQ 180 2.8 22 24 6 – 6 1.80 95 1,700
Sonnar HFT PQ 250 5.6 45 18 3 – 4 2.50 VI 1,200
Tele Tessar HFT PQ 350 5.6 45 13 4 – 4 5 86 1,850
Tele Tessar HFT PQ 500 8 64 9 3 – 5 8.50 86 1,995
Variogon PQ 140-280 5.6 32 32 – 16 14 – 17 2.50 95 1,650
Variogon PQ 75-150 4.5 32 56 – 29 13 – 15 0.25 95 1,800
Rollei SL (Rollei SE / SL66 bayonet; flange focal distance 102.8mm)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
F-Distagon HFT 30 3.5 22 180 7 – 8 0 88 115.5 x 108 1,130 Fish-eye
Distagon HFT (1st version, ? – 1986?) 40 4 32 89 9 – 10 0.60 With adaptor 125 x 104 1,218
Distagon HFT (2nd version, 1986 – ?) 40 4 32 89 10 – 11 0.60 With adaptor 101.5 x 83 732 Floating elements
Distagon HFT 50 4 35 75 7 – 7 0.50 86 94 x 79 555 Some other source lists the filter as bay VI
Distagon 60 3.5 22 66 7 – 7 0.08 VI 80.3 x 82.5 532
PCS Rolleigon 75 4.5 32 56 9 – 11 0.43 VIII 161 x 103 1,313 Shift
Planar HFT 80 2.8 22 52 5 – 7 0.16 86 63 x 79 300 Some other source lists the filter as bay VI
Distagon 80 4 52 5 – 5 0.16 VI 86 x 82 638 Leaf shutter
Makro S-Planar HFT 120 5.6 45 37 4 – 6 0.35 86 91 x 79 435 Some other source lists the filter as bay VI
Makro Planar HFT 120 4 37
Sonnar HFT 150 4 32 29 3 – 5 0.60 86 94.5 x 79 545 Some other source lists the filter as bay VI
Sonnar HFT 150 4 32 29 3 – 5 0.60 86 94.5 x 79 Leaf shutter; some other source lists the filter as bay VI
Sonnar HFT 250 5.6 45 18 5 – 6 1.53 VI 143 x 79 665 Some other source lists it as a 4 elements in 3 groups
Sonnar HFT 250 5.6 45 18 5 – 6 1.53 86 865 Found in al old magazine, possibly a misprint
Tele Tessar HFT 500 5.6 45 9 4 – 5 6 95 308 x 100 1,640 Some other source lists it as a 6 elements in 5 groups
Tele Tessar 1000 8 64 5 4 – 4 21 VI 766 x 218 8,740
Mirotar HFT 1000 5.6 5 5 – 5 22 Built-in 407 x 250 16,500 Catadioptric (mirror lens)

Zenza Bronica GS-1 (Zenza Bronica GS bayonet; flange focal distance ???)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zenzanon PG 50 4.5 22 83 8 – 11 0.50 95 790 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG 65 4 22 69 7 – 9 0.60 72 715 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG 100 3.5 22 48 4 – 6 0.75 72 630 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG Macro 110 4 32 44 4 – 6 0.66 72 725 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG 150 4 22 33 5 – 5 1.50 72 650 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG 200 4.5 32 25 5 – 6 2 82 970 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG 250 5.6 32 20 5 – 6 3 82 1,200 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenzanon PG 500 8 64 10 10 – 11 8 122 3,760 Leaf shutter 16s-1/500 + B and T pose
Zenza Bronica ETR (Zenza Bronica ETR-s / ETR-si bayonet; flange focal distance ???)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zenzanon-E 40 4 22 90 8 – 10 0.40 62 508
Zenzanon-E 50 2.8 22 78 8 – 9 0.50 62 840
Zenzanon PCS 55 4.5 32 65 8 – 10 0.50 104 1,650
Zenzanon-E 75 2.8 22 56 4 – 5 0.60 58 417
Zenzanon-E Macro 100 4 32 44 4 – 6 0.61 62 650
Zenzanon-E 150 3.5 22 30 5 – 5 1.50 62 626
Zenzanon-E 200 4.5 32 23 5 – 5 2 62 700
Zenzanon-E 250 5.6 32 18 6 – 6 2.50 62 820
Zenzanon-E 500 8 32 9 6 – 6 6 62 1,890
Zenzanon-PE 70-140 4.5 32 60 – 32 13 – 15 1.80 95 1,500
Zenzanon-PE 125-250 5.6 32 36 – 18 14 – 17 2.50 86 1,650
Zenza Bronica SQ (Zenza Bronica SQ-a / SQ-am bayonet; flange focal distance ???)
Model Focal length
(in mm)
Max aperture Min aperture Angle of view Groups –
Min. focus distance
(in m)
Filter diameter
(in mm)
(length x diameter in mm)
(in g)
Zenzanon S 40 4 22 87 8 – 11 0.40 95 67.5 x 98 650
Zenzanon PS 50 3.5 22 76 8 – 10 0.50 77 61.7 x 82 590
Zenzanon PS 65 4 22 62 7 – 9 0.60 67 69.6 x 82 665
Zenzanon PS 80 2.8 22 51 4 – 6 0.80 67 52 x 82 490
Zenzanon PS Macro 110 4 32 40 4 – 6 0.66 67 79 x 83 685 Macro 1:4
Zenzanon PS 150 4 32 29 4 – 6 1.50 67 74 x 83 750
Zenzanon S 200 4.5 32 23 5 – 7 2.50 67 107 x 83 870
Zenzanon S 250 5.6 45 18 5 – 7 3 67 150.2 x 83 1,110
Zenzanon S 500 8 45 9 6 – 7 8.50 95 255 x 102 1,890
Zenzanon PS 500 8 64 9 10 – 11 8 122 307.5 x 139 3,760
Zenzanon PS 75-150 4.5 32 56 – 30 13 – 15 0.85 93 1,800
Zenzanon PS 140-280 5.6 32 32 – 16 14 – 17 0.76 93 2,000




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