Cenerente (PG) countryside, with the Eagle Peak and the Tiber valley in the distance, at dawn
A friend of mine is really into Polaroids. Chatting with him the other day a lightbulb switched on in my head, and I remembered having some Polaroids of my own in a box under my bed.
Strawberry tree and berries
These have been shot more than a decade ago, with an el-cheapo 600 series camera.
Dypthic: rocks
But I found I really like the way Polaroid films used to render colors, and it might well be that I’m going to buy a few packs of instant film and a camera to shoot them in.*
*Yep, I pulled the trigger and I bought a Fuji Instax Wide 300. The film is pretty awesome, and the lens is – strangely enough! – quite sharp, even with the close focus adapter; for good measure it renders beautifully (at least up close and especially for the price). But the camera itself is a big plastic toy with, apparently (not completely sure, but it sounds quite right) a minimum shutter speed of 1/64th of a second and an aperture of f/14. All of this paired with the 800Iso film means that you are restricted to shooting almost only in very sunny conditions if you don’t want to use flash.
Cenerente countryside (btw, I lived for a year in the house you see in the background)
Sadly Polaroid is no more…but long live the Impossible Project and Fuji Instax!
Dypthic: different seasons
Stay tuned…and in the meantime I hope you too will enjoy these “ancient” shots.
Dypthic: Eagle Peak and the Tiber valley below it