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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 19 - 24 of 35 RESULTS
Nikon 20/3,5 UD

Review: Nikon Nikkor 20mm f/3,5 UD

Nikon 20/3,5 UD

Today we’ll talk about an old timer, the Nikkor 20mm f/3,5 UD. It is a pre-Ai (or non-Ai, if you prefer) lens from the late ’60, and it certainly shows. It is beautifully crafted, something you have to handle to fully appreciate it. Even the lens cap is amazing: a single piece of what I …

Review: Magic Lantern, for photographers

I don’t do a lot of video, if anything at all. For this reason I, like many others fellow photographers, have ignored till now a piece of software that every respectable videographer uses since the beginning. I’m talking about Magic Lantern. In short, it is an alternative firmware, free and open source, that works in …

Live View comparison

In praise of the Live View

Live View comparison

  If asked, what would you say has been the most fundamental innovation in camera design of the last, let say, 10 years? I can almost hear you all shout in chorus: “MEGAPIXELS! TONS AND TONS OF THEM!!!”. And yes, I agree. We’ve come a long road from the 3 Megapixel cameras, and now the …

Battle of the 50mm lenses: the contestants

Battle of the 50s: Contax 60 vs Minolta vs Olympus vs Pentax Takumars

Battle of the 50mm lenses: the contestants

The 50mm focal is one of the ones I like the most. Besides, it’s really hard to get a bad 50mm, because the manufacturers have found fool-proof recipes since the dawn of time. So even an old lens should perform splendidly, and the biggest differences with more modern designs should be lack of autofocus and …

Overview of the setup

How to scan films using a digital camera

Overview of the setup

If you’ve not read this previous post so far give it a skim: Best film scanner: Canon 5D Mark II vs Drum Scanner vs Epson v700 You will see what level of (very high) quality you can expect using a digital camera as a scanner, as long as you setup everything nice and properly aligned …

Best film scanner: Canon 5D Mark II vs Drum scanner vs Epson V700

If you shoot film and you don’t are much into chemicals, or don’t have a basement in which to keep a gigantic 5×7″ enlarger, you’ll soon end up with the need of a way to import those beautiful pictures you’ve taken on the computer. What? Why I didn’t say straight on “you will need a …