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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 13 - 18 of 28 RESULTS

Cycling for photographers: an update


After my last post someone asked if they need bike-specific shoes. These are shoes that have a mechanism to lock onto (specific kind of) pedals, so you become one with the bike, better exploiting your power. Now while they are certainly nice, almost necessary, to cover long distances on road, or to tackle more demanding …

Montague SwissBike X50

How to: cycling for photographers

Montague SwissBike X50

When you’re out in the mountains, or touring a city, or anyway going around spotting locations and snapping pictures there is always that much terrain you can cover without sleeping out in the open or in an hotel. This is really frustrating considering that most good locations, especially in the mountains, are often miles away …

Trees in a valley

The Masters speak: 46 quotes about photography

Trees in a valley

During the years I stumbled on a few quotes from various (often great) photographers, writers and painters that I thought revealed one or more facets of this beautiful art. I decided to share them with you because they can teach us more than a thousand page manual could what the essence of photography is. Enjoy …

10 rules to buy a digital camera

The 10 commandments for choosing a digital camera

10 rules to buy a digital camera

1) All things equal, newer is always better The technology doesn’t walk, it runs! Think: faster processors, more megapixels, better control software, and all of this at a cheaper price too.   2) Size – often – matters A larger sensor will be always better than a smaller one OF THE SAME GENERATION, even if …

Kodak Ektar 100 colors, Hasselblad 500c/m and Distagon 50mm f/4

How to get the right colors from negative films

Kodak Ektar 100 colors, Hasselblad 500c/m and Distagon 50mm f/4

Scanning color negatives is the Holy Grail of the film lover. The scanning part, per se, is no different that the one you have to carry with any other film, color or black and white. The tricky part comes when you try to obtain natural, or at the very least, pleasant colors from that piece …

From the train, Kershaw 120

How to develop color negatives in C-41, the easy way

From the train, Kershaw 120

  One of the best reason to still shooting film is the ability to use negative color film. It has been perfected for decades, and now is at the vertex of its evolutive path. For this reason you can shoot on amazing films like Ektar – to name but one – that give you beautiful …