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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 25 - 28 of 28 RESULTS
How many megapixels do you need to print on a specific paper size

How many megapixels do you need?

How many megapixels do you need to print on a specific paper size

I made this simple table for personal use, than I thought it may came in handy to others too, so here we are. It sums up how many megapixels do you need to print on each of the more common paper sizes available. Given that the level of quality requested varies according to the kind …

Madonna delle Armi

How to take pictures in the mountains

Madonna delle Armi

Taking pictures in the mountains is probably the most daunting task in landscape photography. It is difficult to get good results because you will face a lot of extra troubles. Here I will summarize the most important points, but keep in mind that mountains can be wildly different from each other. For the landscape photographer …

Linhof Technika 13x18

Large format crash course

Linhof Technika 13x18

1 ) Minimum requirements: a tripod (unless you are willing to use a Speed Graphic type camera in the Weegee style, handheld), a large format camera with a focus screen and a back, a bunch of film holders that fit both your camera format AND your film format (see below), a lens mounted on a …

FEM: Film Equivalent Megapixels

How many megapixels does film have? And I mean: for real, not the bazillion that the “experts” ascribe to it. The complete and yet unfulfilling answer is: depends. Mostly by ISO and by the format size, both of the film and the digital sensor. Because two, for example, 12 megapixels sensors are not equal if …