On a recent Fuji event I had only 45 minutes to play with their latest offering. I chose to try the X-T10 instead of the X-T1 because of the pretty significant difference in price between the two.
Today we begin a new series in which I will tell the story behind some of my pictures, like many of you asked me to do. We start with a photo a few years old: “Bench #3”.
Every time I was out shopping for a legacy (or just plain old) lens I had to dig through piles of old magazines and bookmarks to find the info I wanted. Especially dimensions and optical scheme of an old lens are often two difficult data to track down. So I started collecting all these specs …
It has become pretty common these days to say that “we don’t need no more stinking megapixels”, that __insert_your_preferred_amount_here__ megapixels are sufficient. But it is that so?
A couple weeks ago Kai of DigitalRev, with the help of Bellamy of JapanCameraHunter, did a video on the “5 top film cameras for under $1000”. Interesting, but having grown up shooting film in my opinion they got two major things wrong.
Dear Fuji and Sony, why this letter is addressed only to you two, and not to Canon and Nikon as well? After all they are bigger and older, so in a better position to make my wishes come true. Well, unless I’m missing something here these two haven’t presented a really innovative camera for years, …