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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 55 - 60 of 65 RESULTS

Review: Pentax 40mm f/2,8 M Pancake

My sample came well beaten up, with the filter ring bented and the focus ring locked. I repaired it by myself with a couple of hammer blows. Now it works like a charm. Unbelievably small and compact for a SLR lens it is, like every almost other normal lens, a wonderful performer. Even if, for …

Review: Nikon 300mm f/4,5 Ai IF ED

If you are a sport or action shooter move on. But if you are a landscape photographer and want a light, quite sharp, and handy lens consider this one, even if you aren’t on a budget. At full aperture this lens is already a very good performer, and going down just by one stop is …

Review: Nikon 85mm f/2 Ai

Picture by arne.list from Flickr A very useful focal lenght, maybe a bit on the long side on the DX format. The 85 Ai performs very very good, but apart for the ugly plastic covered barrell of the AF sibling you don’t have a reason to buy the Ai model. Only in two cases you …

Review: Nikon 35mm f/2 Ai

Picture from Nikon.com A splendid performer for low light photography. It is compact, sharp in the center closed one stop, and sharp in the extreme corners by f/5,6. For low-light, however, even f/2 is safely usable, perhaps with a little help from a light contrast mask in Photoshop. At least my sample was much better …

Review: Nikon 18mm f/3,5 Ai

Picture from Nikon.com Tested on film only. A very compact design, that performs in a charming way. My sample, at least, had a very particular way of rendering the highlights, whit a smooth pleasing graduation of luminance values. It is quite sharp, too. Even the borders, but well stopped down, to f/5,6 or f/8, are …

Review: Nikon 55mm f/3,5 Micro Non-Ai

A very useful lens. On the DX format it will perform like a short macro tele. In both cases, FX or DX, the quality level of the lens is undoubtedly superb, super sharp and with a pretty cool color cast (but you may color balance easily if you wish to a warmer tone). In IR …