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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 1 - 6 of 20 RESULTS
Kodak Ektar 100 colors, Hasselblad 500c/m and Distagon 50mm f/4

How to get the right colors from negative films

Kodak Ektar 100 colors, Hasselblad 500c/m and Distagon 50mm f/4

Scanning color negatives is the Holy Grail of the film lover. The scanning part, per se, is no different that the one you have to carry with any other film, color or black and white. The tricky part comes when you try to obtain natural, or at the very least, pleasant colors from that piece …

From the train, Kershaw 120

How to develop color negatives in C-41, the easy way

From the train, Kershaw 120

  One of the best reason to still shooting film is the ability to use negative color film. It has been perfected for decades, and now is at the vertex of its evolutive path. For this reason you can shoot on amazing films like Ektar – to name but one – that give you beautiful …

Rollei Rolleicord III

Review: Rolleicord III

Rollei Rolleicord III

I never understood why people insisted on using an old twin lens reflex like the Rolleicord or the Rolleiflex, and even more difficult to understand for me was the attachment they seemed to develop to their cameras up to the point to prefer this old beauties to more substantial Hasselblad and the likes. Until, a …

Linhof Technica III second version

The cheap bastard guide to (film) photography – Part III: Large format

Linhof Technica III second version

The large format options are more limited. In reality there are dozens of possibility, but the larger the format the more difficult to find a good camera for a cheap price. And the admission ticket starts to skyrocket too…   UP TO 150€ Graflex Speed Graphic (various models) with one lens MPP (various models) without …