On a recent Fuji event I had only 45 minutes to play with their latest offering. I chose to try the X-T10 instead of the X-T1 because of the pretty significant difference in price between the two.
If you’re a savvy landscape shooter you know that in many situations only stopping down isn’t gonna cut it. No matter what, you will not manage to have a scene perfectly sharp front to back, and this even before starting considering the nasty effects of diffraction.
Ok, now is the time to get yourself that nice thing you want – or to suggest your significant other or your friends to do so. Here is a small list of what you may want to consider, if you don’t own it already.
It has become pretty common these days to say that “we don’t need no more stinking megapixels”, that __insert_your_preferred_amount_here__ megapixels are sufficient. But it is that so?