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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 1 - 6 of 12 RESULTS
Bench #3

Behind the picture: Bench #3

Bench #3

Today we begin a new series in which I will tell the story behind some of my pictures, like many of you asked me to do. We start with a photo a few years old: “Bench #3”.

Sea garden hotel

Medium format legacy lenses: sizes and specs

Sea garden hotel

Last time we talked about legacy lenses for the 35mm format. Now it’s time to step up the game, size-wise. Beware, the table weights an healthy 579Kb, so the page will be quite a bit slow to load if you don’t have a fast connection.

Stream in a gorge in the forest

35mm legacy lenses: sizes and specs

Stream in a gorge in the forest

Every time I was out shopping for a legacy (or just plain old) lens I had to dig through piles of old magazines and bookmarks to find the info I wanted. Especially dimensions and optical scheme of an old lens are often two difficult data to track down. So I started collecting all these specs …

Top five best film cameras for less than 500 euro - Pentax ME Super

Top 5 film cameras (+ 1) under 500$

Top five best film cameras for less than 500 euro - Pentax ME Super

A couple weeks ago Kai of DigitalRev, with the help of Bellamy of JapanCameraHunter, did a video on the “5 top film cameras for under $1000”. Interesting, but having grown up shooting film in my opinion they got two major things wrong.

Pentax Takumar 50mm f/1,4 compared

Battle of the 50s: an update on the Pentax Takumar “war”

Pentax Takumar 50mm f/1,4 compared

Like I reported in the previous post Battle of the 50s, the two Pentax Takumar currently I own, both 50mm f/1.4, behave in a striking different way regarding the depth of field at any given aperture. The 8-elements in particular exhibit a much more extended sharp field, compared to its sibling. This gives to it …

Battle of the 50mm lenses: the contestants

Battle of the 50s: Contax 60 vs Minolta vs Olympus vs Pentax Takumars

Battle of the 50mm lenses: the contestants

The 50mm focal is one of the ones I like the most. Besides, it’s really hard to get a bad 50mm, because the manufacturers have found fool-proof recipes since the dawn of time. So even an old lens should perform splendidly, and the biggest differences with more modern designs should be lack of autofocus and …