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B&W Fine Art Photography

Showing: 1 - 6 of 8 RESULTS
Kodak Ektar 100 colors, Hasselblad 500c/m and Distagon 50mm f/4

How to get the right colors from negative films

Kodak Ektar 100 colors, Hasselblad 500c/m and Distagon 50mm f/4

Scanning color negatives is the Holy Grail of the film lover. The scanning part, per se, is no different that the one you have to carry with any other film, color or black and white. The tricky part comes when you try to obtain natural, or at the very least, pleasant colors from that piece …

Forest of the Tasso

The importance of choosing the right raw converter

Forest of the Tasso

A while ago I tested pretty much all the raw converters available at the time with a Canon 5D Mark II: https://www.addicted2light.com/2012/05/28/review-raw-converters-mega-test-part-i/ But I advised in the review that the results were camera-dependant, meaning that each software gives the best possible results with a specific sensor / camera combination. This does not mean that the …

Core Image Fun House Depth of Field effect

Review: Core Image Fun House raw converter

Core Image Fun House Depth of Field effect

Today we’ll talk about an Apple Aperture little brother: Core Image Fun House. A little brother that is also free! In a previous post, the Raw Converters Mega Test, I wrote about a Photoshop sharpening technique called 4 rounds sharpening. It consists in the application of 4 different rounds (as the name suggests) of smart …

Oriolo Calabro, castle and town

Review: Raw Converters Mega Test part V

Oriolo Calabro, castle and town

If you haven’t read the first four parts please take a look at them, because there you may see the images unsharpened and sharpened with various tools, and you’ll learn about the specifics of this comparison. Raw Converters Mega Test part I Raw Converters Mega Test part II Raw Converters Mega Test part III Raw …

Oriolo Calabro, castle and town

Review: Raw Converters Mega Test part IV

Oriolo Calabro, castle and town

If you haven’t read the first two parts please take a look at them, because there you may see the images unsharpened and sharpened with the native tools of each raw converter, and you’ll learn about the specifics of this comparison. Raw Converters Mega Test part I Raw Converters Mega Test part II Raw Converters …

Oriolo Calabro, castle and town

Review: Raw Converters Mega Test part III

Oriolo Calabro, castle and town

If you haven’t read the first two parts please take a look at them, because there you may see the images unsharpened and sharpened with the native tools of each raw converter, and you’ll learn about the specifics of this comparison. Raw Converters Mega Test part I Raw Converters Mega Test part II Here I …