Once upon a time Voigtlander wasn’t just a subsidiary of Cosina. They were one of the big players in photography and already manufacturing some really neat stuff.
B&W Fine Art Photography
B&W Fine Art Photography
This is the classic Cinderella lens, and I use the singular instead of the plural because the Summicron-C and the Minolta M-Rokkor really are the same lens, optically speaking, even if some people state (but I think they are wrong) that the former has only a single layer anti-reflection treatment while the Minolta has a …
A little, sweet lens, the most overlooked of the entire Leica (well, Minolta…) M catalog probably because of its “bubble-related” problem. Bubbles? Yes. There are many theories about the causes, but this lens has almost in every case developed some strange bubbles in the glass. Some people think that is depends from the lens cement, …